How to setup the development environment for Angular on Windows 10


How to setup the development environment for Angular on Windows 10

  1. Install Node
    • Visit Node.js web site (
    • Download latest ‘LTS’ version. Node js web site
    • Run downloaded Installation file ‘node-v12.16.3-x64.msi’ downloaded Installation file
  2. Welcome to the Node.js Setup Wizard
    • Click ‘Next’ button Welcome to the Node js Setup Wizard
  3. End-User License Agreement
    • Check ‘I accept the terms in the License Agreement’ check box.
    • Click ‘Next’ button End-User License Agreement
  4. Destination Folder
    • Check the folder to install Node.js.
    • Click ‘Next’ button Destination Folder
  5. Custom Setup
    • Click ‘Next’ button Custom Setup
  6. Tools for Native Modules
    • Check ‘Automatically install the necessary tools. …’ check box.
    • Click ‘Next’ button Tools for Native Modules
  7. Ready to install Node.js Click ‘Install’ button Ready to install Node js

  8. Installing Node.js Installing Node js

  9. Completed the Node.js Setup Wizard
    • Click ‘Finish’ button. Completed the Node js Setup Wizard
  10. Install Additional Tools for Node.js
    • Command Prompt runs
    • Press ‘Enter’ key in the Command Prompt Install Additional Tools for Node js
  11. Administrator: Windows PowerShell
    • Windows PowerShell runs.
    • Additional Tools are installed. Administrator Windows PowerShell
    • After installing tools, press ‘Enter’ key in the Windows PowerShell. After installing tools
    • *Windows PowerShell window closes.
  12. Check NPM (Node Package Manager) is installed.
    • Run ‘Command Prompt’
    • Enter ‘node -v’. You can check the installed version of ‘Node’.
      C:>node -v
    • Enter ‘npm -v’. You can check the installed version of ‘NPM’
      C:>npm -v
  13. Install the Angular CLI
    • Run ‘Command Prompt’
    • Enter ‘npm install -g @angular/cli’
      C:\>npm install -g @angular/cli

      npm install -g @angular/cli

  14. Create a workspace and initial application
    • Run ‘Command Prompt’
    • Change to the directory that you want to make Angular application.
      • You can make directory if the directory does not exist.
        C:\>mkdir angular_dir
        C:\>cd angular_dir
    • Enter ‘ng new my-angular-app’ in the command prompt.
      • ‘my-angular-app’ directory will be created.
        C:\angular_dir>ng new my-angular-app

        ng new my-angular-app (1) ng new my-angular-app (2) ng new my-angular-app (3)

  15. Run the Angular application
    • Change directory to created directory
    • Enter ‘cd my-angular-app’ in the command prompt.
      C:\angular_dir>cd my-angular-app
    • Enter ‘ng serve –open’ in the command prompt.
      C:\angular_dir\my-angular-app>ng serve --open

      ng serve --open

    • Then, you will see the angular application in the web browser. angular application in the web browser