How to add ‘Channel Talk (chat service)’ to a website
How to add ‘Channel Talk (chat service)’ to a website
Visit Channel Talk web site (
- Join the wet site
- Click the ‘Join’ button at the top right of the website.
- Enter your work email and click the ‘Try for Free’ button.
- Sign up
- Enter ‘Name’, ‘Password’ and ‘Phone number’.
- Click the To the next step button on the web page.
- Create new Channel.
- Enter ‘Service name’ and ‘Homepage URL’ and set the ‘Chat theme color’.
- Click the To the next step button on the web page.
- Enter company information.
- Enter ‘Number of employees’, ‘Industry category’, ‘How did you find us?’ and ‘What you want to do with Channel (duplicate)’.
- Click the Start Channel Talk button on the web page.
- Get Channel Plugin Scripts Code.
- Click the Own website button on the web page.
- Copy the code clicking ‘Copy’ button on the text area.
- Insert the code into the home page <body> tag.
<!-- Channel Plugin Scripts --> <script> (function() { var w = window; if (w.ChannelIO) { return (window.console.error || window.console.log || function(){})('ChannelIO script included twice.'); } var d = window.document; var ch = function() { ch.c(arguments); }; ch.q = []; ch.c = function(args) { ch.q.push(args); }; w.ChannelIO = ch; function l() { if (w.ChannelIOInitialized) { return; } w.ChannelIOInitialized = true; var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = ''; s.charset = 'UTF-8'; var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x); } if (document.readyState === 'complete') { l(); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', l); } else { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', l, false); window.addEventListener('load', l, false); } })(); ChannelIO('boot', { "pluginKey": "470a6072-0777-449e-92bb-2197de06728e" }); </script> <!-- End Channel Plugin -->
You can see ‘chat icon’ and ‘chat window’ at the bottom right of the site.
- On the Admin page, you’ll see customer’s chat. And you can respond.